Friday, October 7, 2011

Unlimited Love

I dunno why but I like human and furry's love. =3


  1. I'll second that motion. There's something about a human/furry pairing that's...romantic I suppose; it really is hard to pin down why. Either way it's a hot picture, with a couple of hot characters. Great as always!

  2. contranature, evil, zoofilia, bad....
    but... the thundercats are hot!!!

  3. This is like... the MOST AWESOME PICTURE EVER. I would so love for this to happen to me. XD

    Although... no one knows I am curious. XD

  4. I don't normally like furries but this is great - thanks!

  5. Great art Ephorox! I'm a fan of your works since I saw them at Y!gallery.
    I like both your old style and your new style of drawing, specially the way you color your drawings.
    I have a blog with my drawings too, can I add you to my links? in case you want to see mine it's
    take care!

  6. Love your work. The furry can have me any time he wants.

  7. I just love humans and furries being together too! I've got a muscley little human pussyboy who loves to be with other human guys or furry guys. :3


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