Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Art trade 01: Wolfie on the beach

Hi everyone, I have got a chance to do an art trade with an artist in FA( His name is Wolfiecanem and he have a very cool galleryclick here
He drew my Tyon for me.I really love here to see the picture

And I drew his Wolfie!!!

Here is the tutorial...


  1. Wowza! Hot hot hot!

  2. I find this to be a simple amazing piece! :D The pose is great, and the shading really shows off just how BUFF he is. XD Great job, it's awesome. If this isn't hyperphallic goodness, nothing IS.

  3. HOT! it's great I love it, can't help to think that would be great u do the same scene with a normal human!

  4. Incredible piece. I would love to see you do more art of this character.


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